The NBA is managed by three committees comprised of member volunteers. These committees are the:

Board of Directors:
The Board sets the strategic direction of the organization and oversees the day-to-day affairs that are managed by an executive assistant. The Board elects the officers of the NBA.
Program Committee:
This committee reviews all business plans submitted to the NBA. After an initial review by the committee chairman, companies are selected to meet with members of the relevant interest group, who make recommendations for invitation to the program committee. The committee then selects those companies which they believe most closely fit the membership's investment interests. However, NBA members make their own investment decisions free of any reliance on the NBA, its committees, its members or its sponsors. The Chair of the Program Committee is an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.
Membership Committee:
This committee reviews all membership applications. Additionally, it works with the NBA members and sponsors to seek other qualified members. Membership is extended to Accredited Investors as defined by the SEC.